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Accessibility Statement


Thank you for visiting the official Jasper, Indiana website and reviewing the policies that we have put in place to enhance the accessibility of our website. The City of Jasper is committed to inclusion and universal access in all of its services and programs.

Our mission is to develop and maintain all web pages and applications so that they are accessible to persons with all types of abilities. Each visitor and citizen using this website has the right to obtain information independently and conveniently, and interact with the website easily.

The City’s Website Accessibility Process

While we cannot ensure 100% accessibility for all of our website content and interactive services, the City of Jasper and its department staff who oversee the effort use the following iterative process:

  • A formal Accessibility / ADA Compliance review was performed in Winter 2019. The City’s website partner will conduct an annual "spot-check" of the website on an annual basis.
  • Training for key website authors on Best Practices for Accessibility was provided in late 2019 and those authors and new ones utilize a Website Accessibility Best Practices Guide to assist in optimizing the accessibility of content published to the website.

Tools & Techniques Used for Accessibility

Accessibility Standards

Our website has been designed with consideration given to the following accessibility guidelines:

  • Section 508  of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
  • The Web Contact Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1 A and AA which details standards for website accessibility.

Accessibility Reviews

Design Review. The Website Management Platform used by the City helps ensure the overall Accessibility of our website. The website vendor eGov Strategies utilizes various accessibility tool verification utilities to check key templates of the website. Some hand-verification of pages is also done as part of the overall review.

Document Review. The City has as its goal to publish documents to the website (e.g. PDF documents) that are accessible in nature. Due to the nature of the source of these documents, the City cannot ensure that each document passes all PDF Accessibility checks, but the City takes efforts to ensure that the source documents are created to be accessible.

Content Review. As part of our overall accessibility review, manual reviews of content pages are done by those experienced in accessibility issues related to website content. Key elements reviewed include:

  • Use of headings instead of text formatting to organize content;
  • Ensure any images used for informational purposes also have alternative text on the page to convey the entire meaning
  • Ensure that hyperlinks utilize descriptive links rather than "click here" references
  • Ensure all images utilize descriptive alt text that describe the images

Third-Party Applications

While the City works with vendors that provide content and interactive services for its website to ensure accessibility, at times, some content or interactive systems may fall short of our accessibility goals. Specific areas that we have identified within the current website include the following:

  • Story Map (GIS)
  • Impact Jasper (Community Development)

Please contact the department providing this content for any questions related content or services that you may need that is not in an easily accessible format.

As much as possible, the City utilizes YouTube for hosting videos such as our Community Video as YouTube generates closed captioning for most of its uploaded content.

File an ADA Grievance

This Grievance Procedure is established to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. It may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in the provision of services, activities, programs, or benefits.

To file an ADA Grievance, please complete our online ADA Grievance form

Adobe PDFs

This website contains links to PDF documents that require the most current version of Adobe Reader to view. The Adobe Acrobat Reader may already be installed on your computer as a "plug-in" or "helper application" for your web browser.

To find out, click on the PDF link for the document you are interested in. If the Adobe Acrobat Reader is properly installed on your computer, the Reader will either download or automatically open a PDF copy of the document, depending on your browser and how it is configured. If the Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed on your computer, it can be found, free of charge, at the Adobe Acrobat Reader download page.

If you are using a screen reader, you may find it will not read some documents in PDF format. Adobe provides a website that will convert non-accessible PDF files to a format that is useable with a screen reader. The Adobe Access site is located at access.adobe.com, and the tool can also be added to your computer as a "plug-in".

Contact Us

If you encounter material or services on our website that you are unable to access, please inform the webmaster so that we can accommodate you.

Users who need assistance can also contact the City of Jasper by phone via the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 for TTY/Voice communication.